video production

Video Production

Why explainer videos for your website or brand?

People have shorter and shorter attention spans when it comes to internet surfing.  And when they land on your page via a keyword search or paid advertising, they want to know how you are, what you do, what you offer, or what cause you are fighting for in two minutes or less.

Rather than leave it up to the user to discover this information by browsing your various pages, tell them everything they need to know in a short explainer video. Continue Reading

Content Marketing Video Production

4 Ways To Tell Your Company’s Story Through Video

Video has quickly become one of the most important marketing assets for businesses in all industries. If there’s any doubt, just look at the latest updates in social media: Facebook Live and Instagram’s story feature.


Companies are taking advantage of this trend to market themselves to their current and prospective customers. In fact, a well-crafted video that tells your story could be just what you need to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

The key to storytelling for a business, however, is incorporating the right elements in such a way that you transform your viewers into clients. Continue Reading

Business News Video Production Web Design

The Five Myths Behind Your Company’s Online Presence


Let’s face it, there’s a lot of advice out there, especially when it comes to marketing.

Everyone claims to be an expert; everyone thinks they can help you be #1 on Google. Good luck. Being found online is about more than a pretty website design. It takes strategy, thoughtfulness and, of course, eye-catching design.

So, what are the biggest pitfalls people believe about their website? Continue Reading

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