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Trends Web Design

5 Tips on getting a better website design

Everyone with a website daydreams of their site being the first one that pops up on a search engine results page. That sort of thing isn’t likely to happen overnight. After all, there’s a lot of competition out there and undoubtedly more than one website talking about the exact same thing you are.

There are ways you can help your site stand apart from the crowd. The design is crucial. You need a website people want to visit and that gives them the information they need. Read on for 5 tips for getting a better website design. Continue Reading

Trends Web Design

Top trends in nonprofit website design

The goal of a nonprofit organization’s website is pretty straightforward. A nonprofit wants to present itself in a manner which encourages individuals and organizations to donate money, time or other resources to further their cause.

If you work for a nonprofit organization and you find yourself tasked with creating or improving your organization’s web presence, you probably realize that this isn’t as simple as it may seem. Not just any website will do, if you want to boost awareness for your nonprofit.


Every website (whether for a nonprofit or not) should draw people in, and tell them why they should care about your mission. In order to make this happen effectively, you should be aware of some important design trends for nonprofit websites.

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Branding Business Graphic Design Trends

What is “share worthy”?

How much do you know about content marketing?

It’s certainly one of the buzz phrases you hear people using when they are talking about SEO or search engine optimization. Content marketing’s focus is on creating consistently relevant and valuable information or content for a well defined target audience. The overall goal of creating this content is that it will encourage your consumers to act in a way to increase profit.

It’s not enough to have the same pairs of eyeballs visiting your website every day. In order to make content marketing truly successful your content needs to be considered “share worthy” by your every day consumers. The name pretty much says it all. You want consumers of your content to tell their friends and family about it, so they tell their friends and family and well you get the idea. Oh yeah, and you want them to ‘Like’ it on Facebook, Tweet about it on Twitter and share it across other social media platforms they use.

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Branding Graphic Design Trends Web Design

5 tips on designing for your target audience

Whether you are a new business, organization or brand you’ve likely spent a lot of time researching your target audience.

You have to know who you are talking to in order to properly market your products or services. You also need to know how to talk to your audience. What forms of communication are they most responsive to? Websites, social media, print materials, mailers? Once you have a solid idea of who you’re talking to and how to do it, you have to design your marketing campaign.

Designing for your target audience can make or break you. Your overall design is your first impression to your target audience, and you only get one first impression. To make sure you turn your first introduction into a lasting relationship, read on for 5 tips on how to design for your target audience. Continue Reading

Search Engine Optimization Trends

SEO – The Ugly Truth

You have likely heard the buzz about the release of Hummingbird, Google’s new search engine algorithm. Google recently unveiled the new algorithm publicly, though it launched in August. The change to the search engine is an effort to better interpret complex queries and provide relevant information to users. It focuses on matching each word in a query to build upon its knowledge graphing. When a user searches for a particular business, for instance, Google will pull up its hours of operation, address, pictures and any relevant information. Likewise, If a user asks a question, “What is the capital of Honduras?” the answer Tegucigalpa is displayed at the top. For all those who were curious.

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