
Branding Business Graphic Design Trends

What is “share worthy”?

How much do you know about content marketing?

It’s certainly one of the buzz phrases you hear people using when they are talking about SEO or search engine optimization. Content marketing’s focus is on creating consistently relevant and valuable information or content for a well defined target audience. The overall goal of creating this content is that it will encourage your consumers to act in a way to increase profit.

It’s not enough to have the same pairs of eyeballs visiting your website every day. In order to make content marketing truly successful your content needs to be considered “share worthy” by your every day consumers. The name pretty much says it all. You want consumers of your content to tell their friends and family about it, so they tell their friends and family and well you get the idea. Oh yeah, and you want them to ‘Like’ it on Facebook, Tweet about it on Twitter and share it across other social media platforms they use.

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The Strategy Behind Social Media Success

Social media is the newest and best way to increase web word-of-mouth about your brand. It is quickly becoming the most effective way to drive traffic to company websites and improve search engine ranking through social signals (likes, shares, votes, pins, or views). Like any other marketing method, social media use needs to be strategic. It does little good for a company to have largely inactive pages on every possible social media platform. Small businesses can use social media to create buzz about their brand and even increase sales, but choosing the right sites to engage with is key. Continue Reading

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