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News Trends Web Design

Responsive: A Buzzword or Something I Need?


In a world of constant technological change, responsive web design (RWD) has become a constant when designing websites for viewers to access regardless of the size of their screen sizes. Based on flexible, fluid grids, RWD delivers a quality user experience whether the site is accessed on a large computer screen or a small smartphone one.

Why has RWD Become Such a Popular Buzzword?

In the very recent past, businesses had to decide whether or not to expand their web properties to include sites for mobile access. This generally meant two sites; one for desktop or laptop screens, and one for smaller mobile phone screens. Enter tablets, smart devices, HD screens and before you know it you would have to have a multitude of sites to reach every screen size and resolution on the market.

RWD allows for the creation of one site that works equally well on any screen size or mobile device. Carefully designed to be adaptive and flexible with the varying sizes and resolutions, RWD is flexible, it adapts and it just works!

Is RWD Enough for My Business?

Considering RWD is adaptable and flexible for many uses instead of creating sites for each type of screen and resolution, many people wonder if a responsive design site is “enough”.  Contrary to the concept of simplification, a RWD site is NOT necessarily simplistic. It is meant to simplify and reduce costs for your web real estate only. The sophistication and design elements are up to you and your design team.

Companies of all sizes are using RWD with great success for their businesses. Perhaps the most glaring example is Microsoft, and their creation of Windows 8. Although Windows 8 is an operating system and not a web site, it gives you an idea of the flexibility behind RWD. The operating system is designed so it is easy to use and migrate from one screen type to another with very little difference in input techniques. Have you noticed the new styling of Microsoft’s website holdings recently? Their sites are also built upon RWD, and adapt well from one screen type to another.

Disney is another massive corporation that has embraced responsive web design and done so very successfully. Users can expect the same experience when they log on from their smartphones as they do when they log on from a desktop pc.

Make RWD Work for You

With mobile devices expected to overtake desktop and laptop usage before the end of 2014, it is time to make a move to ensure you do not lose out on valuable users. Call or contact us to discuss how we can make RWD work for you.

News Trends Web Design

Mobile Web Site Design: A Primer


We can all agree, being accessible on mobile is a priority. That’s where most agreement about mobile sites end.

Businesses seem to be fixated on a simple mobile site, one that’s cheap and has almost no information. I feel as if I am always asking clients, why not have a full site on mobile, with great content, and at a great price?

I recently read an ad promoting mobile website design in Columbia, Mo. It’s a great idea, providing mobile ready websites to businesses needing to expand information to consumers…Now here comes the problem: the mobile site is a separate site from the original, which probably has great content, information and it’s own flair.

Thinking you only need basic information, like an address and phone number, is limiting potential.

The mobile site is stripping down the meat of the site.

Users who visit your website from a mobile device are automatically directed to the mobile version. When they can’t find what they are looking for, they switch to the full site. Herein lies the problem.

Full website viewing was not intended to take place on a tiny screen, leaving an irritating experience for users. Constantly zooming in and out and scrolling around the page is definitely not my cup of tea, and I’m guessing not many others either.

What’s the solution?

We believe in responsive web design, which creates a website that works on desktop and mobile. We create one site that is accessible on mobile and scales properly, giving a rich experience to customers using mobile devices.

Having a mobile site which is also your full website can take the frustration away from customers and unify an already great website.


With responsive web design, we bring the capability of full desktop and mobile browsing into one. WIth responsive web design, the website will automatically format to the screen size the customer is using. No longer are two separate websites, mobile and desktop, needed.

We know without a well constructed web experience customers are less likely to come back. Together we’ll work to achieve your ultimate goal and bring you the best the web has to offer. We are your Columbia, MO experts in web design, responsive web design and graphic design.

Trends Web Design

Template of Doom


Early in my web design career, going way back to a just couple years ago. Building and creating sites was just a hobby I had. Using it setup fantasy leagues and any personal or creative stuff I felt like getting off my chest. All those years ago I thought templates, I admit it, were the way to go. They were fast and cheap. It was easy, since I was not that good at writing code. I could get my site up easily with no real work.

Was I sorely misinformed.

I discovered the art of web design soon after. So why does it appear that businesses today still want and use templated websites. I have no problem if a startup has to use one to get up and running. What about the larger corporations, the ones who have internal webmasters or marketing firms with several designers, of all capabilities, on staff.

Which leads me to the next unfortunate situation, web design firms who use templates for clients. I get that nails on a chalkboard moment when I hear this. Being proud of the work you do should be at the essence of the service business. How can design firms be proud of their work, when the majority was created by someone else. Furthermore, how can the client not feel as time and money have been wasted.

By no means do I want to sound negative or condescending. Sometimes when passion for the work you do and want to aspire for comes out in fits of contained outbursts.

What is about the template website that draws so many to it’s pseudo graces. I have a couple points, listed below, which I feel are the leading factors. But I continue to think there must another factor. Do businesses and/or consumer not know of any web design firms that they trust or like, or just not know of any.

Not to sound too one sided here is a quick run down.

There are a few advantages of templates:



-For the price, templated websites are fairly cheap to build off from.


-If needing a website quickly, templates have an advantage here.

There’s the drawbacks of templates:



-If it’s a good template, it has probably been sampled hundreds or thousands of times.  A website like every other is not unique; you’re just joining another face in the crowd.


-Creating from template, it will be hard for you or your brand to stand out. With


-With many templates, the creator has a copyright. Also, many images could be the property of someone else and the use of such images could cost more.


-To really get a template to what you want it needs to be, you are going to need someone who knows HTML and how to use it to get any benefit.

  • SEO

-Tracking your website’s search engine optimization can get tricky. Templates are not designed to be used for search engines to rank and organize data. Causing loss of time and money.

At Hub & Spoke, we use creativity and design to handcraft a perfect match for your company to its particular needs. No gimmicks, just hard-working individuals who know your business and what it needs to succeed. Whether its a how-to video, new or updated website, or a print ad, we’re your full service marketing partner.

© 2013 Web Design, Branding & Marketing Insights from Hub & Spoke.