missouri marketing

Content Marketing Inbound Marketing Search Engine Optimization

What is inbound marketing?


Cold calls. Television commercials. Direct mail campaigns. Are you familiar with some of these marketing strategies? Your company’s message is likely not being fully heard if this is the only way you are communicating with your audience. These are all examples of outbound marketing.

The problem with outbound marketing methods is they are intrusive and interrupt people’s daily activities. These tactics seem pushy, and your audience might feel that they are being convinced to do or buy something they don’t need. Once they feel that way, they will hang up the phone, mute the t.v., or throw your flyer away. Continue Reading


Be the disrupter in your market


Every market has a leader, someone you want to learn from and follow. As an entrepreneur, you’re likely not the leader… at least not at first. Instead, you’re the person who’s going to shake things up.

When you first start out, you’re small, unknown and have a great advantage. You can be the disrupter. I’m drawn to this idea in most of my pursuits, disrupting. Continue Reading

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