B2B Marketing & Design

It's the not so little things that set B2B Marketing apart.

Businesses and consumers approach purchase decisions from completely different angles. B2B buyers tend to have more riding on their purchase decisions than the average consumer, so expectations going into sales negotiations are very different. In business to business sales, it is understood purchases are generally made on a need basis. At Hub & Spoke, we know B2B buyers tend to bring specialized knowledge to the table, so we help devise a marketing strategy that will engage the customers throughout the sales process.

Build a trustworthy reputation based on expertise and reliability. With a knowledgeable customer base, it is imperative your expertise show. From product knowledge to tech support, we help you demonstrate your ability to meet the needs of your target audience. We help you take advantage of customer testimonials and educational content to boost your reputation and establish trust.

We understand business to business sales cycles are longer. More people tend to be involved in the decision making process, especially on high risk purchases. The more costly and involved the purchase, the stronger the demand for expertise at all levels of the transaction. Providing B2B customers with informative content that is relevant to their purchase helps develop loyal customers.

How does B2B website design support sales goals?

B2B customers expect a certain level of professionalism when visiting your website. Hub & Spoke can make your website stand out and function seamlessly across a variety of devices with responsive design. We help your message reach your target audience through compelling content like webinars and videos. By providing B2B customers with access to user guides, articles and infographics we help establish you as an authority in your field. All of this builds trust in your brand.

Hub & Spoke is here for you when you are ready to take B2B sales to the next level.